Lindsay Lohan is telling friends she did NOT blow off her court-mandated therapy sessions when she traveled to Paris last month -- insisting she talked to the shrink over the phone instead.
Lohan says she cleared the two-week trip with her probation officer which they allowed her to travel to France for a modeling job.
Lohan claims the P.O. and her therapist BOTH gave approval for Lindsay to complete her therapy sessions over the phone ... and she did ... twice. Lohan claims each phone session lasted 45 minutes.
Lohan has been warned by Judge Sautner -- she is not allowed to miss even ONE therapy session, or her probation would be violated.
Lindsay doesn't know why anyone would argue that she didn't complete her requirements -- but she strongly believes the probation department is out to get her.... and desperately wants to make an example out of her.
Sources are saying Lindsay "CAN'T WAIT" to go to court on Wednesday to tell her side of the story.