Friday, July 11, 2014

George Clooney Rejects Apology From The Daily Mail Over False Story About His Fiancee

George Clooney may not be suing mad, but he's NOT accepting any apologies!
The other day The Daily Mail posted a story claiming Clooney's fiancee Amal Alamuddin's mother is objecting to their wedding due to religious beliefs, and Clooney fired back by penning an article for USA Today. Clooney stated that "none of the story is factually true," adding that it is an "irresponsibility, in this day and age, to exploit religious differences where none exist, is at the very least negligent and more appropriately dangerous."
The U.K. tabloid issued an apology to the 53-year-old actor, but he still wasn't having it. Clooney wrote another piece for USA Today and said:
    "There is one constant when a person or company is caught doing something wrong. The coverup is always worse.

    In this case, the Daily Mail has printed an apology for insinuating religious tensions where there are none. In the apology, managing editor Charles Garside claims that the article was "not a fabrication," but "based the story on conversations with senior members of the Lebanese community."

    The problem is that none of that is true. The original story never cites that source, but instead goes out of its way to insist on four different occasions that "a family friend" spoke directly to the Mail. A " family friend" was the source. So either they were lying originally or they're lying now.

    Furthermore, they knew ahead of time that they were lying. In an article dated April 28, 2014, reporter Richard Spillett writes in the Mail that "Ramzi, (Amal's father), married outside the Druze faith," and a family friend said that "Baria, (Amal's mom), is not Druze." The Mail knew the story in question was false and printed it anyway."
"I thank the Mail for its apology," Clooney added. "Not that I would ever accept it, but because in doing so they've exposed themselves as the worst kind of tabloid. One that makes up its facts to the detriment of its readers and to all the publications that blindly reprint them."

Clooney and Alamuddin, a London-based attorney who specializes in human rights cases, confirmed their engagement in April.

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