"The X Factor" -- Simon Cowell's new post American Idol singing competition -- is more than a month away, but that doesn't stop the British judge to generate some buzz by dropping big names and bigger news.
Cowell spoke to the Television Critics Association on Friday morning about the show. He confirmed reports that he is in talks with Mariah Carey about joining the show, but declined to go into specifics. Carey was one of the names bandied around for a judges' spot earlier this year, but they went to producer "L.A." Reid, Paula Abdul, and British "X Factor" judge Cheryl Cole. Cole was fired after two audition cities and replaced.
The show moved on with Nicole Scherzinger, and debuts on Wednesday, September 21. The winner will receive a $5 million recording contract. It was also announced today that the winner will star in a Pepsi commercial during the Superbowl.
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