Friday, September 19, 2014

Keanu Reeves Subdues Home Intruder

Keanu Reeves had his chance to reprise his famous line from "The Matrix" -- "I know Kung Fu" -- because we've learned a woman broke into his house while he was sleeping and plunked herself on his library chair.

Reeves was snoozing at 4 AM Monday when he heard sounds coming from his library.

The actor got up, walked in and saw a woman in her mid-40's sitting in his chair, not uttering a peep.

Law enforcement sources say... Keanu calmly approached her and began speaking to her.  She explained she was there to meet him.  He very calmly called 911 and obtusely told the dispatcher cops needed to roll quick.

Police came and took the woman into custody.  She was taken for a psych evaluation.

It's another amazing story of an obsessed fan gaining entry into a celeb's house.  It recently happened to Sandra Bullock ... the fan ended up at her bedroom door as she was sleeping.  Interesting ... that's Keanu's "Speed" co-star.

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