Saturday, July 30, 2011

Casey Anthony NEEDS PROFESSIONAL HELP -- No Interviews

Casey Anthony won't be sitting down for any interviews with ABC, NBC, CBS or any other networks for at least a couple of months. Casey is considering professional treatment for serious mental issues instead.

Casey is seeking treatment for three reasons:

First reason -- Casey now understands that her questionable behavior when her daughter Caylee went missing back in 2008 stemmed from "obvious mental health issues."

Second reason -- Casey still needs help coping with the "obvious trauma of losing her child."

Third reason -- Casey had spent nearly three years behind bars at a Florida jail -- where she spent 23 hours a day in a 4x9 foot cell -- while facing murder chargers. Sources have said the whole thing "messed with her head."

Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez says he will continue to shop around for offers on Casey's behalf and when she's ready and feeling healthy -- Anthony will have the final word of which television network she will do the sit down interview with.

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